Friday, August 5, 2011

Video's and a Bible Challenge!

Hey guys:)

So, yesterday I posted some new videos on me and Mina's youtube channel  one is called "When Penguins Attack(Click to view) and the other is our cover of Cascada's hit, "Everytime We Touch(Click to view) that we worked really hard to make a dance for. We got a lot of haters on that, saying we can't dance, we have no talent, ect. but thankfully we got some good feedback too, so please check it out and let us know what you think, we like to know everyone opinion so we can become better dancers/singers.

Okay, so the other thing is, Abby is having a really cool Bible Challenge on her blog, that i will be participating in, and you should too!

Create your own banner at!

thanks for reading, comment on your thoughts on the videos, and if you will participate in her Bible Challenge!


1 comment:

Abby said...

You guys are great at singing and dancing! I don't know why they would say you can't. Meanies. :P

Thanks for posting about the challenge!