Monday, January 3, 2011


I was just tagged by Abby @ His Sparrow, and the rules are to post something that you wrote when you were young, and then tag someone else.

I couldn't really think of any whole stories that I wrote when I was young, so I thought I would post this song that I wrote when I was about 11, me, Mina, and my cousins Kendra and Mackenzie were having a contest, you were supposed to see who could write the best Christian song in five minutes, and this was mine:

Joy, Joy, Joy,
my Lord brings joy,
look around hear the sound...
my heart feels good when You touch me...
I never would have known how much someone could do
until I learned of You,
You are my love,
You are my happiness,
You are my joy.

So yeah, we still sometimes sing that song in my home church, lol:)

I tag:

Nicki @ Nickis Blog

Mina @ Minas Everday Life (Happy Reading!)

Thanks for the tag Abby:)


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