Monday, January 17, 2011

Lot's Of News (Good and Bad)

Hello People Of The Internet;)

Well, my birthday came and went, and it was fun, we went to Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort, which was a lot of fun for a pirate freak like me, although it was kinda hard to feel the Caribbean vibe in the forty degree weather;)

We had to postpone my Alice in Wonderland themed B-day party because I got some weird 24 hour thing the day of, but that will be happening next week.

Okay, here's the bad news...
we are moving.

Well, it's not super traumatic, it's only three blocks away from where we live now, but it's still a pretty big deal. There are a couple reasons for it, the main one being that our Uncle Nate and Aunt Charlotte need a place to live and they are paying us to live in our house. We will be moving in with my grandparents, which is kinda annoying because their house is pretty small for all of us, and part of the time we will have to live in their garage(that my dad wants to fix up). but if you wanna know the truth of the matter, I'm not happy about it at all. It may seem selfish, but I really would like to stay in a house of our own, with my own room and such. But I don't really have much of a choice in the matter, and anyway it's gonna be best for everyone else, so I just have to pray that everything will work out.

Please pray for me and my family.



Abby said...

I'm sorry... :( I'll be praying for you! I hope you feel better soon. :)

Abby :D

Nicki said...

Aaw mareellllee!
ill pray 4 u guyss<333<33
itll all bee okayy:]