Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving+Christmas Decorating+Early Presents= A Lot of Pictures!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was superb:) I had dinner with my sis, parents, grandparents, and our friend Jason, then spent that night with them and also my friends Tami and Justin. We had delicious food, which included my 3 favorites, turkey, cheesecake, and pumpkin pie! Here are the pictures I got:
                              The beautiful table setting:) Pumpkin pie and gingerbread men...yum:)(The dates on all these photo's are wrong by the way...)

               Me, Mina, and Grandma decorated these:) My Grandma's Gingerbread recipe is THE BEST!

  My plate of delicious food! Those colored things in my cup are my Grandma's awesome flavored ice cubes!

                                  Off to the backyard to play some Ladder Golf! Me and Jason.

It's a tradition in our family to decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, so on the 25th, we went and cut down this beautiful tree:

                                             Our lovely tree before we decorated it! Oh, and me:)

                             The tree with just the one set of lights on, and Mina putting on the skirt.

                                                           My precious pup Bing and the lights:)

                                        The finished tree! We ended up using over 600 lights!

                           Our snow village is another Christmas tradition:) Mina did this years town.

So are you ready to hear what me and Mina's early Christmas gift from Jason and Tami is???


                            Their cat had kittens and we each got one!!! Aren't they adorable?!

                                                  My cat Sugar, she is such a sweetheart!

Mina's cat Lover Boy! He got his name because I discovered he has a patch of fur on his back shaped exactly like a heart!

What a great present!

How have your holidays been? COMMENT and let me know:)



Nicki said...

arg ssssssooooo cute!! ahah glad you had fun:]

Abby said...

I love Thanksgiving! Looks like you had a great one too.
Your tree looks so pretty!
Oh. My. Kittens! So not fair! They're darling... ♥