Sunday, November 6, 2011

November is Here!

Can you believe it?! I love the month of November, the weather is so nice, and of course I love Thanksgiving:) But, getting on track here, I promised pictures from our Halloween party, and I have a whole bunch more pictures from our Disney stay with Nicki and Alyssa! We had so much fun, we actually got to do something I've always dreamt of, we stayed in the Disney's Contemporary Resorts Bay Lake Towers, one of the coolest Disney Resorts there is! Us four girls got a room all to ourselves! You know what else I have pictures from? THE NIGHT RANGER CONCERT!!! It was my third time seeing them, and it was just as amazing as ever! They are so talented and are some of my rock heroes, and definitely my favorite classic rock band. The feeling you get at a loud, guitar screaming, drum crashing concert, is undescrible. Mina laughed at me when I described it as "Walking away feeling exilerated and refreshed" but it's so true! I felt so excited:) Okay, anyway picture time!(BTW, if there's dates on the pictures, my crappy computer did that, those are not the right dates!)

                                        Me in my Halloween costume at the party, I was a candy corn:)

Everyone that came dressed to the party. Sadly not everyone did. From left: Chris as Jason, Mina as a convict, me as a candy corn, Justin as Scream, Sonya as a sorceress, and Jason as a member of the Geek Squad;)

                                     At the hotel. From left; Me, Alyssa, Mina, and Nicki:)

                                           Nicki and Mina on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin

                                                  Lys on Buzz. SHE BEAT ME:O Grrrrr, lol jk;)

                                                               Cinderella's Castle!

                                 The view of the Castle from our exclusive rooftop area at the resort

Strawberry scented Lotso Huggin' Bear! Mina was obviously being goofy for the camera, but Lys had no idea I was taking this photo:D

                                                           In front of the Tower of Terror :D

                                                                 NIGHT RANGER!!!          

                                    I got this picture when they came out into the audience:D    

                                                                The amazing Brad Gillis!

                                                         Kelly!!!:DDD Such an amazing singer!

                                    Jack Blades(I love that name, I mean, how cool of a last name is Blades?!?!)

                                              Ha ha, this pic is me trying to get us all in the shot!

                            The end to our fun, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, concert day:) Love you guys!

Hope you enjoyed! Please please comment:P



Abby said...

Love your costume! Where'd you get it? Looks like you had lots of fun at Disney. I've never actually been to a concert, but that's coming from someone who can't turn a somersault or make a paper airplane! Fun!

Nicki said...

:D we had so much fun with youu:D