Tuesday, July 19, 2011

5 Things

So, I thought this was a cool tag:) The 5 things do not have to be in a specific order. Oh, and before you read the tag, I thought I would tell you to go to youtube.com/minaandmarellecole and watch our latest videos, our cover of Allstar's Weekend's "Catching Up" and a brand new Fishing Pole Joel video(yay!!!)

5 Things you are looking forward to:

1. Going back to FL!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Interviewing Kicking Daisies:D
3. Working at the library tomorrow
4. Kicking Daisies second EP being released!!!
5. Halloween (yeah, it's awhile away, but hey, it is the closest holiday, and my mom said I could have a party!)

5 Movies you wish you hadn't watched:

1. A Wrinkle in Time (it was just as weird as the book)
2. Gnomeo and Juliet:p
3. Elle
4. Lemonade Mouth
5. The Dust Factory

5 Things you are wearing right now:

1. A black shirt with red and silver writing that says "rock star" and has a red and blue guitar(Dilliards)
2. Brown shorts with red and blue stripes(American Eagle)
3. Black Converse with black and white checkered laces(Ross)
4. Neon orange fingernail polish(Claires)
5. Black eyeliner(Dollar Tree, haha!)

5 Good books you recently read:

1. Little Women
2. The Kane Chronicles Book 2: The Throne of Fire
3. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland<3
4. Through The Looking Glass<3
5. Lots of books from the Fear Street series, I think I read 5 within the past month.

I tag anyone who would like to take the tag:) Tell me below if you took it, because I would love to see your responses! also, remember to go to youtube.com/minaandmarellecole and watch the new vids:D Fun fun!


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