Saturday, April 9, 2011

"It's Time To Flaunt Our Innocence, Try New Things That Don't Make Sense"

The title of this post is a line from Allstar Weekends song "The Weekend". I really like this quote because I really think that so many teenagers are trying to act to much like adults when really, we teenagers are at the highlight of our life right now, and we shouldn't be afraid to act our own age, because life is short, and in not to long we're going to be too old to do all the things we do now, and we will be too old to "flaunt our innocence".

Think about it now, why should we spend all our time trying to be adults when theres so many cool things we can do as teenagers? I think it's awesome to be able to have freedom from a full time job, kids to take care of, and bills to pay. I love to be able to have time on my hands to do whatever I wish. I love how exciting it is to hang out with your friends and do each others nails,play games, and all those kinds of things adults don't do. I love being able to get obsessed about silly things like cute boys from my favorite bands. I love everything about being a teenager!

So don't worry about growing up, the shortest time in your life is right now, your teenage years, so enjoy them while they last!


1 comment:

Nicki said...

Wanna have a really awesome time? Go to, it's where all the cool peeps are hangin';) haha and cool post!~