Tuesday, November 2, 2010

happy late halloween!

How wuz ur halloween? Mine wuz gr8! I went trick or treating w/ friends, and me, Mina, and Sonya went as fairies, we looked awesome;) got a lot of candy:)

I'm creating this post on my brand new... Archos! My parents surprised me with it as an early x-mas gift! Just to let u know its like an iPod touch but bigger and with more memory. Special thx2 J&T 4 loading cool stuff on it 4 me:D

I'm thinking about having a guess that song contest on here, how does that sound?

Well beside all of that, I've just been goin to Disney a lot lately.


-Marelle Diane Jonas:)


Abby said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I did too. We went to a Reformation celebration at our church.

Wow! I pods seem really fun. I've never had one, though. Hope you have a great time with yours.

I would love a contest like that, even though I don't listen to much music. Go for it!

Abby :D

Nicki said...

aaaawesomme! merry x-mass loll