Monday, March 14, 2011

Bings Story

Here's a story I wrote awhile back on our dog Bing's journey to our house, I just kinda tried to think like a dog, lol:)

Bings Story

Who ever said that being a dog was easy? I certainly didn't! From the moment I opened my eyes I was a curious dog, wanting to know what everything was and what everything meant. When I was first born I didn't have the strength to run around and sniff everything, I had barely enough strength to drink milk from my mother. But if I could have, I would have been running around, sniffing all over the place, jumping on the humans, and playing with the other animals!

When I finally got the strength to stay awake and walk a little bit, I started noticing things that I never did before, before all I felt was the warmth of my mothers and siblings bodies, but now I felt how heavy my paws felt when I tried to walk, I heard the sound of humans talking, and all kinds of other sounds too, like birds chirping and my siblings snoring, and I felt the vibration of footsteps in the house, but of course at this time I didn't know what all these things were, they were all just part of the mysterious things that I would soon learn of.

The life of a young puppy isn't very exciting, you sleep, you eat, and then you sleep some more! Occasionally we would go outside for a little bit, and oh! What a thrill that was for me! Chasing bugs, running through the tall grass, and barking my tiny puppy bark at people who walked by! But we still didn't have quite enough strength to stay out long, so we would go back inside, exhausted, very soon.

As a week passed, and me and my siblings gained a lot more strength, our master took us away from our mother and put us in a pen outside with a covering for if it rained. I didn't quite like the fact that I was being taken away from my mother, but I did like playing with my siblings outside! Our master often let us out of our pen, and we really liked that! We would chase each other around the yard, roll around in the nice green grass, and try to get as dirty as possible (which our masters didn't seem to like).

Soon, the summer started getting hotter and hotter and we started noticing the humid weather, and staying out in the pen felt worse and worse each day. Our master seemed to notice how hot we were by how much we were panting and how much water we were drinking, and decided to move us to his laundry room, which was nice and cool.

We knew our master did the best he could for us, but he didn't seem to REALLY care about us. He would just put us away somewhere and go about his business (whatever his business was).

A few days later, my master took us out of our room, put us in a big box, and took us in his car. I had never been in a car before, and the fast feeling made me feel cool but yet scared at the same time, and I wondered what he could be doing with us.

We soon came to a stop, and our master pulled our box out of the car and and sat us down on the concrete. I heard my master talking to someone that walked by, and then he pointed in the box and pulled out one of my brothers, and I never saw that brother again.

The same thing happened to two more of my siblings, and I was becoming a little frightened as to where they were going. A half hour later my master picked up our box and took the rest of us home to our room, not knowing what had happened.

The next day, our master did the same thing, put us in a box, took us in the car, and put our box on the concrete as he sat next to it. That day I watched every one of my siblings leave the box, and I still wondered what had happened to them, and if what had happened to them, good or bad, was going to happen to me. I sat there looking up at my master for about fifteen minutes until he finally heaved a loud sigh, grabbed the box, and took me home.

That night that I spent in my room was the lonliest night I ever had. I sat on the cold floor all alone, with none of my siblings to lay with, and none to roll around on the floor or run around with either. I whined and whined until my master had to come and yell at me. I was sorry for waking my master up, but why would he leave me here all alone? What would happen to me the next day?

After the longest night of my life, which included barely any sleep, my master grabbed me and took me in his car. We went in his car and then stopped at a brick building, which apparently was a post office. I quickly figured out that this was where I had came with my siblings, but I just couldn't see anything since I was in that box. We sat on the hot concrete for what seemed like hours, and my master was almost ready to leave when three kind looking humans approached us. The largest one pointed at me and smiled, and then the smaller two smiled at me too, and they started petting me. They then picked me up and started carrying me, and before I knew it I was being carried away by them into their car!

So this is what happened to my siblings! I thought as we drove in the car. Maybe I'll find them wherever these people take me, I hoped. But when we got out of the car and the smaller humans (whom I had just realized were female) carried me inside a house, I realized my siblings weren't there. Inside the house, two more smaller human's (one female, one male) smiled at me and started playing with me, and the female girls that had taken me here left.

After staying at this house for about an hour, the two females came back for me, and I realized then that these humans were my new masters and they had left me here for the younger humans to babysit me for awhile. My new masters smiled at me and picked me up and took me over to a different house, which I figured was theirs. They sat me down with two other, way larger dogs, one female dog, one male dog. They sniffed me and sniffed me and I sniffed them too. I still didn't quite understand the whole situation, it was all happening so fast, but I did understand this was my new home.

After staying there a few days, I started to enjoy it, I got to play with the other dogs, eat table scraps, and be with my new masters, who even gave me a name! My new name got to be Bing Buddy Cole! I felt so special, I had never before had a name. I realized something, my other master didn't really love me like these masters did, he just wanted to give me away, but these girls spent as much time with me as possible, and they didn't lock me up in a room all day. Coming to this new house was the best thing that ever happened to me, I realized, and I knew that I would always be a good dog for my two new favorite masters, because I didn't want them to give me away like my other master did.

So, a few years has come and gone, the two original dogs my masters had have come and gone and they were replaced with a new dog, a small girl dog, and here I am, Bing Buddy Cole, still at my favorite place to be, at home with my favorite girls, laying on my favorite air vent, loving life, and I would never change a thing about it.

The End

By Marelle Cole


Abby said...

That was great! It really sounded as if the dog was telling it. :)

Abby :D

Joyful said...

So cute! Good job Rell!

Nicki said...

Awesome!!!! :]]