Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Forum On...Me;)

Here's a little thing I filled out where you can read a bunch of random things about me, lol:) You can take it and fill in things about yourself if you wish;)

Full Name: Marelle Diane Cole

Birthday: January 14, 1996 (I'm not sure about the exact time, my mom could tell you though, lol:D)

Mood: Sick, I got a cold and a throat ache yesterday and it's failed to go away.

Where You Are Right Now: In my/Mina's room, typing this up to post later on.

Sounds You're Hearing: The shower(Mina is in there) and banging sounds coming from the back room, my dad is working on the floor back there. I can also hear music coming from across the street.

Last Song You Listened To: "These Days" by Kicking Daisies<3
Your BFF's Name: Sonya Lamagno

Last Thing You Did With Your BFF: We went out to eat a few days ago, we went to McDonalds w/ my fam:)

Favorite Thing You've Ever Done With Your BFF: Going to the Allstar Weekend/Kicking Daisies concert, aaw yeah;)

Favorite Thing To Do With Your Friends: Go for bike rides, holding our own "American Idol", kayaking, canoing, listening to music, talking about serious subjects like how cool the guys from Kicking Daisies are;)

Favorite Movie: The "Pirates of the Caribbean" Trilogy:) I <3 Jack Sparrow!

Favorite TV Show: It's a tie between "American Idol" and "Big Time Rush"!

Favorite Band: Hmmm, let me think about this...DUH the Jonas Brothers!;)

Favorite Foods: Steak, McDonalds french fries, and chocolate ice cream!

Favorite Drinks: Iced mochas and chocolate frappes!

Favorite Fast-Food Restaurant: McDonalds...I'm lovin' it;) (I even have a shirt that says that!)

Favorite Book: The Bible!

Favorite Article Of Clothing You Own: My black Converse(You can't beat Converse!) and all my JB shirts and accsessories!


Prized Possessions: My Archos Internet Tablet 5, my laptop,my make-up collection, my doggies, my cat, my collection of posters, and my cell phone:)

Your Hobbies: Singing, acting, making videos for Youtube, hangin' out with my friends, texting, bike riding, canoing, reading, writing short stories, writing songs, and listening to awesome music;)

Best Day Ever: The day me, my fam, and Sonya went to Downtown Disney, and later that night went to the Allstar Weekend/Kicking Daisies concert, it was really fun!

Worst Day Ever: When we went to the JB concert in Tampa and it got rained out, it still makes me VERY mad!

Day Your Looking Foward To: The day I'm done with school(next year), HOORAY!!!

Something You Wish You Could Go Back In Time And Change: I know something, I wish I could change Justin Dweeber becoming famous, HA HA HA;) lol!

Hidden Talent: Uhh, I make a killer hot chocolate! I think only my fam knew that!

Scariest Moment Of Your Life: When I heard the rumors that JB were splitting up! Luckily, rumors were all that they were! PHEW!!! Lolz;)

Most Life-Changing Moment Of Your Life: When my parents told me we were moving out of St. Petersburg, FL, about four years ago.

Saddest Moment Of Your Life: When we had to give our dog Bucko away to a friend. I was really upset.

Least Favorite Movie: Uhh, I guess "The Dust Factory", it's WEIRD!

Least Favorite TV Show: "The Suite Life On Deck" Ughhh, I can' stand it!

Least Favorite Band: I guess Justin Dweeber doesn't count as a band so...Nickelback

Least Favorite Foods: Any fruits or vegetables!

Least Favorite Drinks: I'd have to say the italian beverage, Beverly, YUCK!

Least Favorite Fast-Food Restaurant: Taco Bell or Arbys...

Least Favorite Book: I'm not sure...I've read a lot of stupid books, but I can't remember their names, lol;)

Least Favorite Article Of Clothing You Once Wore: Well, I had these long, black cowgirl boots, and there's nothing wrong with cowgirl boots, but I used to wear them with EVERYTHING, and it just didn't work!


Anyhting You'd Lke To Say Before This Is Over: To all my friends out there, I love you with all of my heart! To all of my enemies, I love you too!

Thanks for reading, and I would love to see what you have to say, so if you take this forum, let me know and I'll check it out on your blog!

Lots Of Love Forever And Ever,

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