Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Music Tag

Music Tag
This is a fun tag:)

1. If you had to pick one favorite genre, what would it be?
AHHHHH this is so hard, I love, like, SO many genres, but I guess if I had to pick one it would be rock, because there's so many types of it, and some of my favorite songs are rock songs.

2. What is your all-time favorite song? (This may be hard, but try your best to pick only one!)
It may be weird that it's not a Jonas Brothers song, but my all-time favorite song is "Believe" by Savatage. It's a really rockin'/beautiful song.

3. What's the best concert you ever went to and why?
Well, I've been to quite a few cool concerts, including Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Night Ranger, and John Waite, which were some of my favorites, but my all-time favorite was the Allstar Weekend/Kicking Daisies concert because I went with my family and my best friend, and we had an awesome time, while watching some awesome bands:D

4. In your opinion, who are the 5 best singers in the world? (In no particular order.)
Ooh, hard. But we all know who I have to say first...NICK JONAS!!! His voice is nothing other than amazing. Steve Perry from Journey is AWESOME!!! He may be the all-time best singer I've heard. I loooove Jon Olivia from Savatage's voice, he can sing hard metal, and soft ballads, he's just awesome! I really love the Quiet Riot singers voice, but I can't remember his name!!! Grrr, but whoever you are you have an awesome voice! He can sing some SERIOUS metal:D And this last one... he may not be on the level with some of these metal singers, but I have to say him because I absolutely love him...Duran Visek from Kicking Daisies! He has the sweetest voice in the world, and he's really awesome! (And, he's sorta adorable!)

5. What's your favorite song that you've heard a million times, but you still can't get enough of?
Okaaaaay, you asked for it, "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey! Yeah, yeah yeah, they may be old-school, but everyone knows that they are one of the best rock bands ever, and even though I'm only 15 years old,and I wasn't around when the one and only Steve Perry was with them, I'm a HUGE Journier:):):)

6.What singer would you describe yourself to be and sound most like?
Umm, well, I think in some ways I sound like Colbie Calliat, obviously she is WAY better, and way more talented, but I think in some ways I sound like her. For personalities, I guess I would say Taylor Swift, because she is so dorky, (in a good way) and that's exactly what I'm like:)

I tag:
Abby @ His Sparrow
Nicki @ Niki's Blog

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