Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the lack of posting, I just haven't gotten any chances to get on the internet lately(hence the title of this post!)

Monday night and Tuesday of last week, we spent time with our BFF's from New Jersey, Nicki and Alyssa Lenkel and their parents, and it was totally awesome! We spent the whole day on Tuesday at Magic Kingdom, from 9:30 to 4:30, and we had so much fun! We rode all the rides and had a great time! Sadly, I didn't get any pics because I lost my camera, but Nicki and Alyssa did, and I got some videos that I will soon post on youtube:)

We are officially moved into our new house, we moved in the night before last, and it's been...crazy to say the least! There's boxes and things everywhere, and I'm still on the search to find my make-up in the boxes...GRRRR lol:) But it's been fine, I think the dogs are a little confused as to where they are though, lol.

Hope you have a terrificul week, keep your head held high!


Monday, February 21, 2011

oIn Kissimmee

Helllo earthlings!

Bet u can't guess where I am, oh wait...

We came down here cuz our bffs Nicki and Alyssa came here for vacay, and we just ot back from wating fireworks at epcot, and tomorrow were going to magic kingdom with them. Well, I gots to get to bed, its eleven o three and I ots ta get up early:)

Luvya nicki and alyssa!!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Music Tag

Music Tag
This is a fun tag:)

1. If you had to pick one favorite genre, what would it be?
AHHHHH this is so hard, I love, like, SO many genres, but I guess if I had to pick one it would be rock, because there's so many types of it, and some of my favorite songs are rock songs.

2. What is your all-time favorite song? (This may be hard, but try your best to pick only one!)
It may be weird that it's not a Jonas Brothers song, but my all-time favorite song is "Believe" by Savatage. It's a really rockin'/beautiful song.

3. What's the best concert you ever went to and why?
Well, I've been to quite a few cool concerts, including Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Night Ranger, and John Waite, which were some of my favorites, but my all-time favorite was the Allstar Weekend/Kicking Daisies concert because I went with my family and my best friend, and we had an awesome time, while watching some awesome bands:D

4. In your opinion, who are the 5 best singers in the world? (In no particular order.)
Ooh, hard. But we all know who I have to say first...NICK JONAS!!! His voice is nothing other than amazing. Steve Perry from Journey is AWESOME!!! He may be the all-time best singer I've heard. I loooove Jon Olivia from Savatage's voice, he can sing hard metal, and soft ballads, he's just awesome! I really love the Quiet Riot singers voice, but I can't remember his name!!! Grrr, but whoever you are you have an awesome voice! He can sing some SERIOUS metal:D And this last one... he may not be on the level with some of these metal singers, but I have to say him because I absolutely love him...Duran Visek from Kicking Daisies! He has the sweetest voice in the world, and he's really awesome! (And, he's sorta adorable!)

5. What's your favorite song that you've heard a million times, but you still can't get enough of?
Okaaaaay, you asked for it, "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey! Yeah, yeah yeah, they may be old-school, but everyone knows that they are one of the best rock bands ever, and even though I'm only 15 years old,and I wasn't around when the one and only Steve Perry was with them, I'm a HUGE Journier:):):)

6.What singer would you describe yourself to be and sound most like?
Umm, well, I think in some ways I sound like Colbie Calliat, obviously she is WAY better, and way more talented, but I think in some ways I sound like her. For personalities, I guess I would say Taylor Swift, because she is so dorky, (in a good way) and that's exactly what I'm like:)

I tag:
Abby @ His Sparrow
Nicki @ Niki's Blog

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

How has your Valentines Day been? Got any plans for your Valentines night tonight?;)

My mom and dad always get me and my sister Valentine baskets with make-up and candy and stuff like that in it for V-Day, which is cool:D We ate out at Coyote Rojo, this really good mexican restaurant for lunch today, and I don't think we have any plans for tonight.

I didn't give out any Valentine's this year, except I did give one to my rents and sis, I used to, but none of my friends give out cards or anything either, so I just texted everyone Happy V-Day, which is so much easier;)

Valentine Tag Questions:

1.Do you have a Valentine this year?
Nope, but me and my sis and BFF were joking about Duran Visek from Kicking Daisies being my valentine, I think I'd settle for that;)

2.Do you have anyone you wish was your valentine this year?
Uhh, DUH! Nick Jonas, Duran Visek(lol!), Logan Henderson, Cameron Quiseng, Zachary Porter, and a lot of others:) I'd settle for any one of those, lol who wouldn't?;)

3.What are your fav songs to listen to on Valentines Day?
"Please Be Mine" by The Jonas Brothers, "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, "Amy" by Allstar Weekend, "Fallin' For You" by Colbie Calliat, "Fall" by The Jonas Brothers, "Hello Beautiful" by The Jonas Brothers, "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, and prob like a million others;)

4.Best Part Of Valentines Day?
C-A-N-D-Y:D:D:D:D:D:D Also, listening to romantic Jonas Brothers tunes;)

5.What was the most memorable Valentines Day for you?
Well this one time I got this drawing from a secret admirer, and I spent a loooong time trying to figure out who it was from, but I finally figured it out. And NO I'm not saying who it was from because it was someone quite...embarassing, lol;)

Well, hope you have a wicked V-Day:D


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disney Quiz! For Nicki Lenkel(And anyone who likes quizzes!)

For Nicki Lenkel.

I thought I would make this Walt Disney World Quiz for my BFF Nicki, who happens to be a Disney Nerd;) I made up the questions myself, some of them are multiple choice, while others you have to answer yourself. Everyone tell me how you did under comments, don't lie, lol:D Have fun, and don't peek at the answers!;)If this goes over good I might post a SUPER hard Disney World quiz:D:D:D

1.Who stars in the "Sounds Dangerous" show at Disney's Hollywood Studios?

2.What is the name of Figment's Proffessor friend in the EPCOT ride, "Imagination"?
A. Dr. Larry Williams
B.Dr. Nigel Channing
C. Dr. Bob Young

3.What song does Big Al the bear sing in Magic Kingdom's show "The Country Bear Jamboree"?
A. Proud To Be A Cowboy
B.Open Road
C.Blood On The Saddle

4.What is the name of the dinosaur who saves your life at the end of the Animal Kingdom ride, "DINOSAUR"?

5.What is the name of the chinese acrobatic show at EPCOT?
A. Dragon Legend Acrobats
B.Dragon Magic Acrobats
C.Dragon Land Acrobats

6.What's the name of the childrens play area at Blizzard Beach?

7. True or False: Typhoon Lagoon has the world largest wave pool.

8.What is the first movie you travel into in Disney's Hollywood Studios attraction, "The Great Movie Ride"?
A. Footlight Parade
B.Singing in the Rain
C.Mary Poppins

9.What's the name of Animal Kingdom's water rapids ride?

10.How many times does Captain Jack Sparrow appear in Magic Kingdom's ride, "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

Answers(NO PEEKING!!!)
1:.Drew Carrey, 2:B, 3:C, 4:Alador, 5:A, 6:Tikes Peak, 7:False, kinda a trick question, it's AMERICA'S largest wave pool!, 8:A, 9:Kali River Rapids, 10:3 times.

How did you do?

1-4 Questions Right: Hmm, how long has it been since you've been to Disney?
5-7 Questions Right: You need to work a bit on your Disney World knowledge, but you're on the road to being a Disney World Fanatic!
8-10 Questions Right: Congratulations, you are officially a Disney fanatic!

My Busy Life Goes On...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppsssssssssssss:D

We just had a little mini-vacay to North Carolina! It was a lot of fun! The reason we went up was because we are probably buying a house up there to live in for the summer and weekends and stuff like that, and our parents wanted to look at the houses they had in mind. We left Wenesday night, at about 4:30, and we got home the following Sunday evening.

We stayed with our good family friends, Rich and Shelby Bankston, we stay with them just about every time we go to NC, they live at the very top of Trimont mountain in Franklin, NC. It was really cold there, being on top of a mountain and all, and we finally got to see snow on Thursday night! Me and Mina had never seen snow before, so it was a really big deal for such big Sunshine staters as us:) We had a snowball fight, and made a little mini-snowman (there wasn't enough snow to make a whole one), and sadly it stopped snowing that night, and it all melted before the next morning, which was kind of a bummer.

We fond a house that we might buy up there, it's by Sylva, which is a really cute little town, and it has five and a half acres of property, which is mostly woods, which I think is really cool because I love the woods! Our dogs would love it too, because there's lots of room for them to run:) Were not sure about though, were looking at some other places too, and if we stay near Franklin, I'm getting a job at the library! Well, really I'm volunteering at first, and hopefully that will turn into a job:) It'll be my first job, and I'm really excited. If we move near Sylva though, I'll probably work at the Humane Society or something like that. I'm excited because my dad says once I get experience in volunteering I can get a real job somwhere around there and start making money!

. I don't know how I'm going to survive staying away from everyone for the whole summer though, I could hardly even take a few days! It stinks because all my friends go to school, and I'm gonna be gone when they're off for the summer, which is a big bummer. I wanna go to NC, but for three months? That's a little much! By the way, we are moving out of our current house by March 1st, and I haven't even started packing! Thinking about the move just makes me kinda sad I guess, and I wish we weren't moving so soon.

While we were in NC, our precious little cat Ms. Brown died. My mamaw fond her underneath my dad's bike ramp. Were all really upset, she was our sweetie pie, and I miss her so much. But she's in a better place.


Peace, and Love,


P.S. We are having an awesome contest on our youtube at the moment, check it out! You have to invite people to subsribe, for each person you invited that actually subscribed you get one entry, and we will randomly select one third place winner, who's prize will be a purse for a girl, or a bouncy eyeball for a boy, one second place winner, who's prize will be a T-shirt, and for a boy a pencil case. The grand prize winner will win the first ever MinaandMarelleCole exclusive comedy DVD, personalized just for you! So start inviting your friends that have youtube accounts to subsribe to! Oh, and also check out the newest member of our youtube team, Justin Wilkerson on our channel now, and send him you questions and dares!