Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hey people of Earth!

So, its been like forever since I posted, but yeah what can I say? I've been busy and haven't been on the internet very often!

So here's whats been going on in my life:

Me and my sis and my friend are preparing for Halloween, were going Trick-Or-Treating together, and probably going as three fairies:)

The Fall weather here has been so nice, I've been doing a lot of bike riding with my friends, and Fall means kickball time so were probably going to get that going sometime this month.

We recently stayed at the Disney Resort, Port Orleans Riverside. We were going for my grandma's birthday, but my grandpa got a bad earache and couldn't hardly hear so they didn't get to come:(

Pretty soon I'm going to be preparing for my learners permit, and boy am I excited! I'm also a bit nervous, but I can't wait! I'll be fifteen January 14th, so watch out road!

Also, I have been thinking lately, its hard to believe that in about 1 and 1/2 years I'll be DONE WITH SCHOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! CAN"T WAIT! School is just a waste of precious time you could be spending with your BFFs! Am I right? ;)

So, life is good, I'm just enjoying being a regular teenager right now;)

PEACE OUT HOMEDOGS! (As my buddy Fred would say)



Abby said...

I can't wait until I get my learner's either! I'd love to drive. Have you ever driven your dad's jeep?
Are you going to go to college? I'm not sure if I am yet.
Have a great week!

Abby :D

Nicki said...

loll awesommeeeeeeeeee! w88 u go till 1Oth grade? luckkyy we go till 12th grade!!!!!!

Marelle said...

Yup, I've driven my daddys jeep:)

And Nicki, yeah, im pretty lucky cuz i can take my GED as soon as I turn 16:)

Marelle said...

Oh and no im not going to college, that would be a , like, nightmare for me!