Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Obsession With Alice

A lot of people don't understand my obsession with Alice in Wonderland. I'm not even sure I quite understand it, I just love it so much.

              Maybe it's the childhood memories I have of watching it. I've loved it since I was really little.
 Maybe it's because me and Alice are a lot alike. I'm very, very curios like her, and I like to understand things.

But, I think the most probable reason would be because of it's whimsicality. I like how it doesn't make much sense, but yet it does. It would seem that it's all nonsense, but if you look closer, you can see a lot of wit and meaning.

When I tell people I love Alice in Wonderland, they usually assume I mean the new version.
I liked the new version(mainly because of Johnny Depp), but to me, it didn't do the Alice books and movie enough justice. Though there were a few things in this version that were more similar to the books, I just think it was too dark to really showcase what kind of picture Lewis Carroll was trying to paint.

                     I really enjoy the Alice books, because of their wit, and really great characters.

When I say I love Alice in Wonderland though, I mean I love the cartoon. It's bright colors, and goofy characters seem to really showcase Lewis  Carroll's books more than any other.

I just have a never-ending love for it. When someone quotes the movie, I smile. If I see anything related to it, I want to get it. I watch the cartoon all the time, and I love the books. My top 3 characters from the cartoon?

Number 1 would most obviously have to be the Cheshire Cat! He's just so, so whimsical, funny, and happy. He knows how to have a good time! (Also, I love Sterling Holloway's voice! He also did Pooh Bear and Kaa from the Jungle Book.)

Number 2 would have to be the Mad Hatter! He is so funny and innocent. Plus, who doesn't love the Unbirthday Song?! (He is voiced by Ed Wynn, who also has a VERY distinct, very cool, voice!)

Number 3 would be Tweedledee and Tweedledum(yes, they count as one!). I love their story they tell, The Walrus and The Carpenter:) They are so cute!

So, yes, people think I'm weird for obsessing over Alice, but I love it soooo much and I can't help it:)

Do you like Alice in Wonderland? What cartoons/books/movies are your guilty pleasures? COMMENT:)



Abby said...
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Abby said...

I really like Alice too. The older one is definitely better though. The Cheshire cat is so cute!

"Can you stand on your head?"

Shelley said...

I like it, I definitely wouldn't say I like it as much as you do, but I do enjoy it. I like how you made your blog express your love for Alice in Wonderland. Very neat! :)