Wednesday, April 21, 2010

People I Love!

It's about time I list all the people that I love very, very much:
Mina, My sis and BFFL
Momma, My mother and best friend
Dadda, the dude that taught me all I know about boarding and Jesus!
Grandma and Grandpa, My loving Grandparents who just happen to be the best secret keepers in the world!
Mamaw and Papaw, My loving grandparents that are always there when I need them (it's nice that you live right behind me!)
Jason and Tami, Friends that I know will always be there for me, not to mention Jason is an awesome website designer:)
The Puckett Family, Good family members but better friends than anything else♥
Sonya, The girl that's right there next-door for me anytime I need her!
Jared, Awesome friend and policeman (Although you don't act like one off-duty)

I love you guys so much, and I hope that all of you know how much I appreciate your love that you give:)


Joyful said...

Aww :) We love you too Rell!

Mina said...

Thx sis old buddy old pal! so while we're being so nice to eachother.....Will u buy me ice cream? lol! im just kidding!