Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Abby Tagged me!

#1-What song are you currently listening to a lot?
"Last Time Around" by Nick Jonas and the Administration "I got a feelin'" by The Black eyed peas" "I am what I am" by the Jonas Brothers "Fallin' for you" by Colbie Caillat "Believe" by Savatage, I know thats more than one, but I have tons and tons more!

#2- What books are you currently reading?
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians" by Rick Riordan

#3-Do you sing a lot?

Yes, I sing everywhere!

#4-Sweet or salty?


#5-What is your favorite hobby?

Ummm, manly just hanging out with my friends and bike riding.

#6-What books have you read at least 3 times?

Lots and lots, including the babysitters club series.

#7- What sites do you always visit when you get on the internet?

Stardoll.com (I'm OBSESSED with it) and my email.

#8-What was the last thing you bought?
Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins

#9-Which fictional character do you think you are most like?

Claudia from Babysitters Club

#10-Favorite earliest memory?
I think my earliest memory was going to the hospital after my sister was born and talking to my mom. I remember telling her that I was going to go home and watch "Peter Pan". Don't ask me why I remember this!
#11. What do you do to change your mood?

I listen to music, usually the Jonas Brothers.

#12-What was the last meal you ate?
Turkey and Cheese sandwiches on biscuits with butter.

#13-Do you want to learn another language?

Yes, I would love to learn French, it's a beautiful language.

#14-Five things you can’t live without?

2. My Family
3. My friends
4. Food and water
5. Music

#15- Find the closest book to you, and flip to page 54.What is the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph?

The book is "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Battle of the Labryinth"
"Once the Stolls had passed, we forged deeper into the woods where the monsters were wilder."

#16-What is something you would like to say right now?

Nick Jonas is the cutest boy in the world! Lol, random I know, but very true!

#17-What are you looking forward to?

Vacation in July!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Ice cream! Yum! I like that memory. :D

Abby :D