Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hooray For Being Tagged :)

I've been tagged by Abby! Thanks Abby! Weeeeee :)

Here are the rules:

1) post these rules
2) you must post 11 random things about yourslef
3) answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged

Random things, are you ready?!

1. If I had to pick only one meat to eat for the rest of my life it would probably be chicken. I'm obsessed with it, fried, baked, grilled, any way. Yum.
2. I really like the Penguins of Madagascar. King Julien and Mort are my favorite characters, they make me laugh so hard :D
3. I've really been into this new band called Before You Exit lately. I listen to them while I'm doing my GED prep work :P They're from Orlando, so I knew I had to give them a shot ;) I'll be seeing them with Allstar Weekend in February!
4. I kinda have a thing for lead singers in bands...;) heehee
5. This is gonna sound completely retarded, but while living in a mobile home for a few years, I discovered I absolutely LOVE the smell of air coming out of floor air vents.(Only you, Mina, gets what I'm sayin'!)
6. I also love the smell of bleach, paint, nail polish, and gas. All very bad things to sniff, too. I'm odd.
7. I used to think Twitter was the stupidest thing ever, and would make fun of it, but now I sorta love it. It's super useful to talking to friends that are far away...
8. I'm freaky about eyeliner. I won't leave the house without it.
9. I've had red streaks in my hair before, and soon I think I'd like to get a blue or pink streak. Whatcha guys think?
10. When I go to bed, I'm usually not going to sleep. I'll usually get on my phone and talk to people on Twitter, and after that, I'll lay awake and make up stories in my head.
11. I love mechanical pencils. Like, just typing "mechanical pencil" made me wanna go grab one and start writing something.

Now for my questions from Abby, the tagger:

1. Are you scared of flying in airplanes? YES. According to the doctor, my ear drum almost burst open on the one and only time I ever flew on a plane. *shivers*
2.  Do you know anyone that doesn't like chocolate? Hhhhm, I'm not sure if I know anyone that really "dislikes" it, though my friend isn't fond of it.
3. Do you have a favorite style of hat? Yes..
4. If so, what is it? For me to wear, I like fedoras. A lot.
5. Red hair or brown? On guys, I like brown(or blonde!!!) but for girls, I don't think I could choose!
6. Owls or bats? Owls! Bats freak me out.
7. Purple or green? Purple.
8. Would you like to be taller than you are now? Yes, being super-model tall would be cool :) But, I think I've stopped growing.
9. Whats your least favorite color? Brown seems kinda obvious so...maybe orange?
10. Would you like a pet elephant? Yes, though I wouldn't like to clean up after it...
11.Is a cat relative equals to a orange guinea pig? Hmmmmmmmmm...thats deep.

My questions are:

What is your favorite TV show that isn't airing anymore?

What's your favorite candy?

Would you ever marry someone 20+ years older than you?

Which do you like to shop for more; clothes or shoes?

Have you ever ridden a horse?

Do you like watching game shows?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Whats your favorite video game system?

Bike riding or walking?

Texting or typing?

What's your favorite website?

I tag all of my followers that haven't already taken this tag! I'll go to your blogs seperately and tell you as well :)


1 comment:

Abby said...

Hey, thanks! Good answers!

ps. number 6 on the random things is so me.